This week, we premiered On the Mountain Season 2 and we could not be more excited! To celebrate, all this week we’ve been posting interviews with the artists that helped make On the Mountain Season 2 such an incredible time, and today we’re finishing up with Modern Rivals. We sat with them after their cozy winter pool party to chat about all things 80s and how badass the Nintendo 64 was.
Do you have any New Year’s resolutions yet?
Mickey: Learn how to drive a stick shift car because I’ve had one for a year now and I still haven’t full figured out the operation of it.
Eric: Start my own punk band.
Patrick: Get a job.
If you could redo the soundtrack to any movie what would it be?
Mickey: Let’s go with something classic. Let’s go with like, Ferris Bueller, that would be fun as hell.
Alex: Sticking with the ‘80s theme, I would do Big, which I just watched recently. It’s an awesome movie. We haven’t seen any movie since the ‘80s…
Worst or best ‘80s trend?
Eric: Polos. That’s just the worst shirt that’s ever been made.
Alex: Nintendo was really exciting.
Are you reading any books right now?
Mickey: I am reading I Am Legend, which was actually a horror novel from the 1950s and it’s so much better than that movie.
Alex: I just finished the book 1Q84, which was super long, it probably took me like 16 years. That was pretty awesome, it’s by Murakami.
Eric: I’m reading Men Without Women by Ernest Hemingway. I don’t know anything about bull-fighting though.
Patrick: No.
What’s the best give you’ve ever received?
Patrick: Probably like, a Nintendo 64.