Mobile Apps- The New Found Love of The Corporate World
Posted on the 21 April 2013 by Mohammadatif
The buzz is ripe that mobile apps have fueled the new craze among tech savvy enthusiasts inhabiting in the nook of cranny of the entire globe. Entrepreneurs from the corporate world that were until now finding it decent enough to romance with worldwideweb have supposedly ditched their long time love interest to adopt the suave and sultry mobile apps as their new found soul mates.
Whether this fresh affair would indeed long last or would wither out with the lapse of time is still a crux, worthy enough for night long discussions. For now, I guess it would be better if we can talk about the present day popularity of these new inceptions of technology conceived in the womb of smartphones in millions on daily basis.
Yes, considering the unstoppable growth of smartphone around us, the use of mobile applications have become more obvious and perhaps a necessity. No wonder whether you own an iPhone5, Sony Xperia, Motorala Droid Razr, a Samsung Note II, HTC One, Nokia Lumia or almost any other smartphone, I am sure you could not resist yourself from falling prey to the dazzles of apps, that cater to almost every specific necessity you feel in life, from business to traveling to gaming to fashion and much more.
As a matter of fact, with the rapidly rising importance of mobile apps, small and big companies have turned their heads toward these sophisticated tools as well and are now at loggerheads with each other to prove their supremacy in their respective verticals via this new mode, along with their existing websites that until recently used to be the face of their business. The question arises...with the increase in mobile apps in such large numbers, how come the enterprises are able to promote them?
As for the websites, the SEO did the truck that dominates the world of internet marketing for more than a decade, but what about this latest outbreak? Do we really have an identical mode to advertise business they launch via mobile applications? The Answer is YES, we have App Store Optimization.
It won't come as surprise to me if you already know about it. But if it is still so far an alien term for your mind, just to let you know, it is a term that is used to signify all the methods one could ever use to promote a mobile app. The modes may thus include religious use of social media, mobile advertising and so on; the list is tail long.
This is just an introductory post to give you an idea on App Store Optimization. In the forthcoming write ups, be prepared to know the nitty gritties hidden behind this advance terminology. Until then, Take Care and Keep Romancing with whatever you want!