MKB Product Junkie: Jessica | @HeyGorJess

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

Today is our very first Product Junkie Feature and I am thrilled to share Jessica’s products, tips and cuteness!  She is the pretty lady behind HeyGorJess.Com, where she shares beauty and hair tips, insight into her fabulous lifestyle and fun bits on fitness and wellness.  She is definitely a MKB Favorite! Read her tips below and you’ll see why!

I have mostly 3B hair with some 3C curl patterns as well.  My hair is very soft but SUPER curly and very hard to manage at time. It’s big, voluminous and has a mind of its own…But I love it oh so much and wouldn’t trade it for anyone  else’s!


Hmm where do I start! Well, through my hair journey I’ve definitely discovered that I’m a minimalist. I’m kinda lazy when it comes to my hair lol and I hateee having tons of products to choose from.. It makes my head hurt . Haha .. So this should be easy for people to follow!

For my wash n’ go’s I use  Shea Moisture’s Curl Enhancing Smoothie and Curl Junkie’s Pattern Pusha as my styling gel. I bought it online from for about $17 or so. I absolutely lovee this new combo!  It makes my curls SUPER defined and super soft as well! Thanks to my sister (@Taralindaa) for having the patience to try new products and figure it out!!

To condition, I use Shea Moisture’s Deep Treatment Masque (Can be found at Target,Walgreens, CVS, etc) for about $8 or so. It’s really nourishing since I have really dry hair. I also loveee Trader Joes’s Nourish Spa Conditioner. It makes my hair soo soft andddd it’s only $3!! You can’t beat that lol!

To cleanse, I use Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar. I cleanse about every 2 to 3 weeks with this (I don’t use shampoo). I only trust this brand because it is organic and in it’s purest form without any additives or chemicals. You can get it from the Vitamin Shoppe, and even many grocery stores such as Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and Shop Rite for about $6. In between cleansing, I co-wash! I use TRESemme Naturals conditioner and/or As I Am Coconut CoWash Cleansing Conditioner. Both are awesome!! But I’ll use the when I feel like I want a deeper cleansing than the conditioner since its made specifically for cleansing.

Miss Jessie’s Curly Pudding… It was like 40 bucks! This was when I first did the big chop (I cut out the relaxer) and I didn’t know WHAT in the worldddd would work for my hair. So I was willing to pay the price. It worked well in the beginning, but then it dried out my hair because of all the products in it and such. So I wouldn’t ever buy it again, and I’ll never pay more than $25 for a hair product again either!

That leads us to our next question: 

COCONUT OIL!!!! I’m definitely obsessed with it lol.. I use it for everything. Cooking, to moisturize my body, face, and of course… my hair! I actually use this every day during the week when I wear my buns to keep my hair moisturized. It is also awesome for hair growth.

Healthy hair over… Everything! Okay well I don’t think that was exactly it but basically that it’s better to have healthy, shiny, full, moisturized hair instead of holding onto dead over processed hair (heat damage, too much color etc) or long stringy hair. It’s not worth it

The greatest advice I could give to anyone is to not compare your hair journey to anyone elses’s! It’s sooo easy to look at someone else and say — I wish my hair was longer, curlier, less curly, softer, blonder, the list goes on and on. But comparison only stops you from being satisfied with what you have. So instead, embrace your own hair and LOVE it! Appreciate other’s, but be happiest with what you have. Also, protect your hair ! I recently had to get rid of some length because of heat damage. Now… I won’t say I won’t ever straighten my hair again lol.. But I’ll definitely take better care of my hair next time and use minimal heat instead of going to the Dominican salon and putting tons of heat on it ! Just be careful so you don’t end up having to cut it and going backwards on your
hair journey.

Isn’t she adorable?! And I’m not just saying that because of Curls and Cocktails bond!

Love it!  Thank you, Jessica for sharing!   She’s @heygorjess on instagram and twitter and don’t forget to check out her blog at

What do you guys think?  Do you share some of the same favorites as Jess?  Let’s talk about products!

xoxo- Kellie

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