MKB Favorite: Kenya

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

The premise of this post began with the idea to talk about the NYC Edition of Curls and Cocktails happening this Saturday but then I realized it really is a post about a MKB Favorite, Miss Kenya aka @halfietruths.

It seems like I have been saying “come to New York!” for years now and I am thrilled Curls and Cocktails is bringing her here!  While we did attend  The University of Tennessee together and bleed orange, our friendship didn’t begin until after college and is totally a social media friendship story!  Throw in life changes, relationships  and the most captivating and bonding experience of them all, our hair journeys and you have a virtual friendship filled with sharing good vibes, happy thoughts and hugs when necessary all within the realms of likes, emoticons and exclamation points!

Her energy is infectious and in January while working on the revamp for MKB the Blog, it was that energy which  led me to ask her if she would be interested in contributing to the new and enhanced Mama Knows Best project.   The MKB mission is to create a community of enrichment and enhancement through sharing positive reinforcement, tips and funny anecdotes.  This is exactly why Kenya is a MKB Favorite!   Over the last few months, she has shared hair tips and tutorials, as well as her special thoughts not only for MKB but through her ridiculously active social media life!   Her openness and honesty is charming and the fact that she takes a pretty pic, doesn’t hurt!

In February, she created Curls and Cocktails as an event to bring social media to life, bringing Atlanta Naturalistas together to cocktail, entertain each other and love on some hair!  It was an amazing success and over the last few months, the masses were calling for some @halfietruths in their respective cities so she has taken the show on the road and Saturday, August 3rd,  we get the New York Edition of Curls and Cocktails!

It is kinda crazy that it has been over 10 years since we have actually been in the same place at the same time so I’m looking forward to giving my “virtual” friend a real life hug… and take some pics, of course!

AND… if you want to share in some hair love, join us on Saturday!  Click on the instagram pic for all of the details!

xoxo- Kellie