Mixed Bag Wednesday: Yoga Poems, Yoga & Creativity, Yoga Body and Brain Hammocks

By Healingyoga

Today as I rested in a Squat while doing Breath of Fire (this is better than coffee in the morning), I felt the need to write a post with a little bit of everything (except the kitchen sink, of course). This sort of reminds me of the ole Valentine's Day box of chocolates -- variety galore. Here goes...

Submit Your Yoga Poem by April 15

Calling all aspiring poets and/or creative writers who want to wax poetic (yep, pun intended) about yoga -- The Poetry of Yoga is accepting submissions through the end of the week. The goal for the books is "to travel the world and be testament to the modern day poetic soul of humanity." If you'd like to learn more and submit your work of art, click here.

The Soul in Bloom

If you'd rather read inspiration rather than write it, I urge you to check out The Soul in Bloom, the first in a 4 part series of keepsake magazines. I don't read many magazines because I'm not a fan of the content and the message that much of it sends, but the Soul in Bloom offers messages of hope, love, and encouragement as well as some beautiful pictures. Click here to learn more and to buy a copy of this one-of-a-kind magazine.

Re-Ignite Yourself

Spring is a time of rebirth and if you're feeling the need to spark yourself (and your creativity) back to life, Libre Retreats is hosting a fabulous retreat next month to help you do just that. The retreat, which is taking place in Grandville Island, Vancouver, combines creative writing, performance art, artful expression and yoga. It's a soup of creativity and self expression and it's quite affordable. If you sign up before this Friday (April 15), you can save $200. Click here for all of the details.

What Does a Yoga Body Look Like?

This question is one of the hot topics over at YogaModern, a fabulous site that claims to offer ancient wisdom and a modern perspective. I love how the site weaves yoga ideas into today's world. The article, What Does a Yoga Body Look Like, is a fantastic, thought-provoking read. Yoga Modern has become my favorite go to in my RSS reader. Check it out.

Meditation -- The Ultimate Brain Hammock

Maybe it's just me, but the visual that the term brain hammock brought to mind was enough to make me want to share this post by yogi Eoin Finn. He does a great job of simplifying meditation by offering up 4 vital keys to the practice. Click here to read it (and to see a funny visual of a brain in a hammock). Hmmmm...it's going to be a while before I can sit and meditate without thinking about my brain resting in a hammock. Not a bad thing -- just a funny one.

My final addition to this yoga mixed bag is something more related to karma yoga. If you've been moved by the plight of our brothers and sisters in Japan, click here for a fun way to spread a message of love and raise money for support efforts.

Okay, now it's time for me to go and plop my brain down in a hammock.
