Mitt Romney – All Aboard the Washington Express

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

I’ve been saying for months now on Solaris Astrology that Mitt Romney was the “chosen one” for the Republican nomination and his crushing victory in the first of the big states, Florida, brings him a huge step to achieving his goal to take on Barack Obama in November. This latest victory comes as transiting Neptune is on the verge of entering Pisces. Mitt, a Pisces himself is now going to be enthused as the big blue planet which rules his Sun is enhanced in power as it enters it's own sign.

Here is the chart of Mitt Romney for just after the close of polls in Florida. The thing that strikes me is Mercury, Mitt’s chart ruler ( he has a Gemini ascendant ruled by Mercury) sitting exactly on Mitt’s Midheaven at the top of the wheel. Here was the news from the polls (Mercury) that Mitt wanted to hear. The Midheaven shows your public profile (your profession) and Mercury was signalling the Mitt had hit a milestone in the GOP race. There will be no stopping him now and I think that despite all the fighting talk from Santorum and Gingrich, by April there will be just one man standing.

Notice also that the transiting Nodes are square to Mitt’s natal Mercury in the 11th house of groups and associations and transiting Uranus (also in the 11th) is trine to natal Saturn. Here are two more indicators that destiny has chosen him at this particular time to lead his Republican party into battle against Obama. Uranus encourages Mitt now to throw off the shackles now and to present a fresh new face from the one that the people already know. He has to be seen as the reformer and the fixer (Mitt’s Moon in the 6th house is the sign of someone who fixes people’s lives). Transiting Venus was conjunct to Mitt’s Sun yesterday as was Mercury conjunct to his natal Venus, bringing him popularity right on cue.

The one thing that Romney does have to beware is Neptune square to his ascendant. This is a powerful aspect as Mitt’s Neptune as I said in my introduction is personalised. This square may show Mitt as deceptive, as elusive and someone who cannot be trusted. This is something that all Pisceans suffer from sometimes in their lives. The watery nature of Neptune and Pisces is very hard to pin down, like he has a Teflon coating, and Romney should try to use this to his advantage as the attacks on his personality increase.

I will write more on Romney as the year progresses, however it looks very likely as if he will be taking all this Piscean energy with him through to final battle with Barack Obama. If they do lock horns, I predict this could become one of the dirtiest combative Presidential fights for a long, long time. Safe to say, their charts when put against each other don’t suggest that they see eye to eye. Return back soon for the head to head analysis between the two.