Mississippi Mud Pie – Mr Kipling Gives Us a New Cake to Enjoy

Posted on the 20 January 2013 by Neilmonnery @neilmonnery

As we all know I cover the vital topics here on The Rambles of Neil Monnery but have we had a bigger issue than this? Mr Kipling has brought out a new cake and after eating a few I am willing to include it in the same sentence at the Cherry Bakewell. I knows. Crazy. Not saying it is better than the Cherry Bakewell because that would be the first sign that I needed to see the men in white coats but it might deserve to at least be in the discussion. Lets go back to the start…

It was Thursday afternoon and I had gone to Asda in Shoeburyness primarily to get some White Grape & Peach high-juice but for the second visit in a row they had none. One day Asda might actually learn that it is clearly their most popular selling high-juice and to actually get more in stock because it is the one they always run out of. Anyway they had none so my main reason for going had been abandoned. They also had no Cumberland Ring Sausages (I don’t think they do them any more as they haven’t had them for several visits now), no HP Guinness Sauce, no mini-chocolate doughnuts, it was not going well.

This disappointed me greatly so I went in the hunt of a box of Mr Kipling’s Cherry Bakewells. They always cheer me up and I found them but a split second before my eyes had been attracted to a box a shelf down and to the right of the Cherry Bakewells. You can see that box below (although you can probably guess what the box was considering the title of the blog post but anyway…)

Mr Kipling’s Mississippi Mud Pie Box

A new cake with ‘rich chocolate flavoured mousse’ and only a quid? You guessed it I was totally sucked in and bought a box. The woman on the till even commented that they looked nice and she hadn’t seen them before. Yes someone on a till at Asda had more conversation skills than ‘thank you for waiting’ and ‘do you need any help with bagging?’ I nearly had a heart attack. Why do they say thank you for waiting anyway, it is a queue at a till in a supermarket, you expect to wait and sometimes they say it even if you’ve not been waiting more than a minute or so. Crazy.

This is what I’d discover was in the box – six of these.

Mississippi Mud Pie

So anyway I get home and last night I decided to eat a couple. On the box it says they are ‘delicious served warm’ so I decided to microwave a couple but I thought they were ok, nothing special but today I have had a couple more at room temperature and I must say they were rather pleasant. Not a Cherry Bakewell but more than a nice change of pace. Would I buy them at what will be full price? I doubt it but heck I never buy Cherry Bakewells at full price either. I wait until they are BOGOF or a quid a box. For a quid for six Mississippi Mud Pies I think that is more than fair value. A nice new addition to the Mr Kipling range and a nice new addition to Neil’s cake rotation.