Mission Complete

By Thelazzyreader @thelazzyreader

Sorry for the long Hiatus from reading.
… Would you believe me if I said I was so busy that I couldn’t take a break to read? I don’t want to go on about how busy I’ve been because I’ve been doing so well with the whole not complaining thing and I plan on keeping it up.If you’ve been wondering, I picked up the book a little while ago. I had to return the book that I was originally reading from, so if this book looks different, it’s because it is.
It has an interesting design doesn't it?
Anyways, I thought I was further away in the book but it turns out that I’m not. I’m at a section where it’s starting to get interesting. So interesting in fact, that the other night, I was so tired, that my eyes were burning but I still wanted to read. I shuffled over to the other side of my bed to reach my side table, took the book, took my iPhone (to search for the definition of words) and started reading.
Since the book is actually starting to get interesting, it’s not feeling like a chore to read it anymore. Also the story is progressing at a good pace. The only problem is, once I get captivated by the story of one character, the book moves on to another character. It’s really annoying because obviously I don’t want to skip pages to continue on. I noticed that the stories of the different characters are all entwined, so if you don’t pay attention to one detail from a character’s perspective, you might miss the real effect of a situation with another character. I don’t really like that fact but it is interesting. It gives the reader a well-rounded idea of what really happened and shows you how the different characters saw the same event.
Also, now, I really like how descriptive the book is. I can really imagine Anna as I read. I can imagine her facial expressions, how she is dressed, how she is interacting with other characters and it really takes me in. At times, I feel like I’m there, watching everything fall apart, with her. It’s an amazing feeling, so now I’m excited to get near the ending of the book and see where things end up. I kind of know what will happen because I saw the commercials for the movie, when it was first coming out. However, since I didn’t pay close attention, I don’t really know. As you can tell, I’m really excited, which means, I will read on.
For your record, I’m on page 252 of 963. Yea... I have a long way to go.
Tell me how things are going, if you’re reading the same book, or even if you’re struggling to read a different book. Don’t be stingy!
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