Missing Thanksgiving

By Dgmommy @dgmommyblogger
Hello dear friends,
I have fallen out of love with this blog as I speed purposefully onto my path. These days, I'm primarily studying for my NLP certification and preparing for my Passion Test certification, which will finally happen in January!!! You can visit www.affirmativethought.com or Facebook to keep up with me and be inspired!
Yes, I'm headed to Norway to achieve my biggest goal so far and my body literally shoots sparks with excitement! I'll need to do 10 complimentary tests (2 sessions of 1.5 hours) before I begin charging for my services. I've got a few people on my list, but if you would like to be one of them, please let me know! I'd be very happy to do this for a few bloggers in exchange for a link or review, or simply to take you to the next level in your life.
Life in England has its challenges, like anywhere else, but they are well worth meeting. My children are doing incredibly well in school. Parent-teacher meetings are events I absolutely love. My husband's periodic travels allow me to connect more with the kids and at the same time, focus on my studies and my new website.
The weather is cold, but the leaves are still on the trees and it seems as if they get more and more beautiful every day. In Michigan, Autumn comes and goes too quickly, with the most intense beauty in mid to late October. That gorgeousness has lasted here for the past 8 weeks. It's as if the changing of the leaves has been put on slow motion, so I get to see every subtle hue, slightly more intense each day.
I can see this effect nearing its end, as the gold shimmering upon some branches is turning to a pale yellow, but it has been an incredible tool in my gratitude exercise this month. Even as those leaves lose their luster, the deep salmon on others embracing the narrow, winding roads often leave me breathless with their exquisiteness.
It is my favorite time of the year, extended for my pleasure.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I miss my family, of course. It has always been my favorite holiday. Great food, good company and copious laughter. I long to sit at my mother's table among the best people I know. I wish so to meet my newest nieces and would simply love to watch the next generation play together.
This is the part that makes living overseas hard on my heart. Yet, as amazing and fulfilling as it would be to live right next door to the people I love, I know that the life experiences my children are gaining living in a multi-cultural family in another part of the world are shaping them to be who they are meant to be. None of this happens by accident, only grand design.
And the same goes for me. Every step that I take, every challenge or splendor, shapes me to be a better version of myself than the one who was here yesterday.
I love my life and I am thankful that you are in it. Happy Thanksgiving!