Miss P's First Interview

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

Happy Monday friends! As most of you know, little Miss P arrived this past Friday afternoon. Zach and I are so happy and so in love, and can't believe our family is now a family of four!
Helene was kind enough to take over the blog for the day and because Miss P is a showstopper and decided to come a week early, this post was intended to be seen before her arrival.
But regardless, Helene was lucky enough to score an interview with the little lady before she made her debut and here it is! Miss P's first exclusive interview with Helene!
How is it possible that Samantha looks this good pregnant? She looks better than me most days (OK, everyday) and she's running around with a kid and she's ready to pop!
You might not know me, hello, I'm Helene and I blog over at Helene in Between. Samantha is more stylish, more put together, and more in the know than I am. But I can occasionally be funny, so there's that.
I don't know much about babies. I don't have one of my own, but I do like to use others for adorable photo shoots.

Luckily, I was able to score an exclusive interview with Baby P.
That's right. Before she even is ready to be part of the real world, I thought I'd ask her what she thinks about blogging, being a baby, and life in general.
Helene: What's it like being the baby of a blogger?
Baby P: Oh it's great. I'll have tons of memories to look back on. Although I hope my mom doesn't put up too many embarrassing pictures of me. My hair wasn't fixed right in that last sonogram. And that wasn't my best side. I tried kicking my mom but she didn't get the hint.
Helene: Oh, so it sounds like you're doing a lot of movement, are you ready to leave or are you happy where you are?

Baby P: Well I do take after my mom, I love to dance. I'm ready for the real world. I've got so many things I'm ready to do. And bows to wear. It's getting a little cramped in there.
Helene: Sounds like you will follow in your mom's footsteps in regards to fashion.
Baby P: Absolutely. I plan on being the most fashionable baby there ever was. Bows, tights, little sparkly shoes- the whole 9.
Helene: Are you excited to meet your brother?
Baby P: I am, but he better not be too bossy. As my mom knows, the girls are the ones who boss, not the boys.
Helene: You think you're father would agree?
Baby P: I already know I have him wrapped around my little finger.
Helene: Do you ever think you'll blog?
Baby P: It's hard to say, but I think with a mom like mine, it will be hard not to blog about all the fun things we'll do and wear.
Thanks so much for having me Samantha (and Paislee!) and letting me take over for the day! No baby talk on Helene in Between but I promise to keep you somewhat entertained!