Miss P is Three! A Letter to My Youngest…

By Thesamanthashow

To my Little Lady,

Happy birthday princess! I can’t even believe you’re three today. You’re the spunkiest, sassiest, but also sweetest little person I’ve ever met and I can’t even begin to imagine my life without you. When we found out we were having a girl, we were over-the-moon excited. Not only would you complete our little family but I couldn’t wait to have a little mini me. Tutus, sparkles, unicorns… oh my!

Miss P is three! A letter to my youngest…

You were born in Georgia, only one week after we had arrived. I was nervous you were going to make your appearance on the 12-hour drive from Ohio but thankfully, you waited patiently. At my first doctor’s visit with my new doctor, I had her sweep my membranes to see if it would speed the process along. Well little did I know that it would set me into labor immediately! And then we couldn’t wait to meet you!

You tried to make your appearance just as fast as your brother, if not faster. And this would be just the beginning of your sibling rivalry. I know that he’s not always nice to you and he makes you cry a lot but I promise it won’t be like that forever. You guys will be best friends in just a few years and you’ll love being so close in age.

Miss P is three! A letter to my youngest…
Miss P is three! A letter to my youngest…

Do you know one of the things that I love most about you? No matter how much you want something, if your big brother is crying and upset over it, you’ll give it to him. You love to make people happy and will always put them over you. You’re only three and you know the importance of being kind.

Do you know what else I love about you? That you’re a complete mama’s girl. I nursed you for 23 months and you still find comfort in snuggling me. You still want me to carry you everywhere, you co-sleep with us (most nights), and you’re pretty much obsessed with me. And although it’s hard to get anything done some days, I don’t mind one bit. And I will never take those moments for granted. Plus it’s actually hard for me to sleep when you’re not next to me… don’t tell your dad

I’m so proud of the little lady you’ve become. You continue to learn and grow everyday and it makes me happy but sad at the same time. Will you always love me the way you do now? I hope so. Because I wake up each day loving you more than the last.

I know we’re going to have a few hard years. You’ll hate me and resent me when you’re a teenager. You’ll fight with me when I give you a curfew or take away your phone. But just know everything I do, every choice I make is for nothing more than to protect you. When you need a shoulder to cry on, when you need to call me at 3 a.m. because your boyfriend dumped you or when you need someone to throw a random dance party, I’ll be here for you.

You’re the buddy to my shopping. The Anna to my Elsa. And the crazy to my cat lady. You make me want to be a better mom and give you everything in the world and more. Even when you’re the sassiest of all sassy, you’re also the sweetest of all sweets.

So happy third birthday babygirl! I love you more than lipstick (which I know you love too) and can’t wait to celebrate today!

