Miss Haversham’s Garden

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

This morning is one of those misty damp autumnal mornings that we seemed to miss out on last year.  There is a fine drizzle in the air the sort that makes you quite wet before you realize it.  As I was putting fresh food out for the birds the stillness was quite remarkable, the only sound the odd falling leaf.  But more remarkable were the amount of cobwebs around the garden sparkling in the water they have captured.

The rosemary is obviously a favorite of the spiders as it looks like someone has attacked it with the spray on cobweb stuff that is popular around Halloween.  The more I looked the more cobwebs I saw, they are everywhere.  In my pots, some which are overdue for emptying, making elaborate networks across corners of the patio.

I was reminded of Miss Haversham in Dickens’ Great Expectations and the wedding feast which has laid untouched for decades all  covered in cobwebs.  With the low-lying mist that is enveloping the top of the garden there is quite an atmosphere which I don’t feel compelled to spoil.  So the work on the bog garden will wait as will the raised bed that we planned to install at the allotment and I think instead I will spend the day pottering around the house maybe with a bit of baking thrown in for fun.