Miscarriage Prevention Drug Causes Infertility/cancer

By Newsanchormom

A drug some women took in the 60's to prevent miscarriage could be causing infertility an cancer in their kids. That's a scary thought. I think it's probably because of my age, but I feel like I hear more and more about infertility.

FROM NBC: A drug millions of pregnant women took decades ago may increase health risks among their daughters. An estimated four million Americans were exposed to DES -- a synthetic estrogen prescribed to prevent miscarriages and pregnancy complications -- until it was banned in 1971.
Now a new study suggests women whose mothers took DES are twice as likely to have fertility problems and are at almost double the risk of breast cancer. These women also face higher rates of miscarriage, pre-term delivery, stillbirths and early menopause. Problems among men exposed to DES are less common -- but they do have more testicular problems and cysts.

-NewsAnchorMom Jen
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