Mira Espadrilles Pt. 2 // Sister Style

By Gentrilee

view round one here
This is another round of Mira Espadrilles outfits, starring my older sister. As I am writing this my eyes are struggling to stay open... So, we're going to rush through what I want to say, ok?
- These shoes from Mira Espadrilles are awesome and perfect for an on-the-go woman.
- This necklace from The Land of Salt and those earrings from Fifth & Mae go together like pb&j.
- My sister is beautiful and I hope to be like her when I "grow up" (which may never happen... #foreveryoung)

shoes- c/o mira espadrilles
necklace- c/o the land of salt
earrings- fifth & mae
sweater- target (similar from target 1 / 2 / 3)
jeans- i forgot to ask