Minuum Keyboard Coming to the Moto 360

Posted on the 11 July 2014 by Palmgear @PalmgearBlog

When it comes to maximizing space on a smaller display, the Minuum keyboard bills itself as the perfect solution. Essentially the keyboard squeezes an entire alphabet onto one line and actually works pretty well thanks to solid predictive capabilities built-in.

Although the app itself has limited use for those with smartphones (unless they have really small sub-4-inch displays), the idea of a minimalistic keyboard could be perfect in the world of smartwatches. This concept is nothing new for Minuum, who not too long ago showed off the app working on Samsung’s Galaxy Gear. Now they are back again, this time promising that they will support Android Wear devices like the rounded Moto 360.

According to Minuum’s developers, they are currently working on the project and while they likely still have a ways to go, they even have a GIF demo (above) showing off how Minuum’s interface needs to change in order to work on a rounded display. Keep in mind that the demo above is more of a proof of concept than anything, so it’s hard to say if the final product will end up looking this cool.

Now there’s just one big question left: do we even want or need a keyboard on a smartwatch? The answer to that will vary depending on who you ask, though we can see at least a few situations where this could come in handy — such as in noisy environment where voice commands aren’t practical. Then again, most folks have their actual smartphones within easy grasp.

What do you think, like the idea of a small, predictive keyboard for Android Wear or are keyboards too impractical for such small displays?