Each one of us go through these absolutely incredible chapters that might be deemed minuscule but are actually the feeding ground for our personalities, likes, dislikes, and the person we strive to be. These chapters are the tough ones, the ones that make us dread getting up the next morning only to face another day full of hard realities and stress. We don't think about the hard parts being what makes or breaks us. In fact we strive to stay away from the hard parts. Instead of choosing the more stressful situation, we would rather take the easy way around the situation. It's amazing how those situations actually shape each human being. They provide for their hunger for more, more drama, more movement, just more. This fact of life is something I'm becoming more and more accustomed to. It's scary. Change. Advancing in the job field. Making the decision to move. Or for me, making the decision to have a full time job, part time job, and take a full credit load. I honestly thought that I could handle it. God knew differently and allowed certain things in my path to change in order to make a small bit of that work load work to my advantage. I'm learning through His influence and the paths He continues to lead me down and the ones he continues to lead me away from. These moments that so many of us deem so insignificant are moments that will define the future we lead and the decisions that are made down the line. A part of me can't wait to be in Savannah less than a year down the road and the other part of me is freaking out because I have the ability to make that decision without any one else's input. It means I'm in that process of becoming an adult, venturing out on my own, and making my own way. This surreal moment is a moment that no matter how small it may seem to others, is a definition of the person I am and am becoming. What lies down the road, I have no idea. But I won't stop pushing and fighting to become what I've always wanted. With a little help from God, my friends, and my family, I know I can make anything happen. Keep reaching forward. Keep following your heart. And pay attention to the little moments and the tough ones because those are going to be defining. xoBCC
Each one of us go through these absolutely incredible chapters that might be deemed minuscule but are actually the feeding ground for our personalities, likes, dislikes, and the person we strive to be. These chapters are the tough ones, the ones that make us dread getting up the next morning only to face another day full of hard realities and stress. We don't think about the hard parts being what makes or breaks us. In fact we strive to stay away from the hard parts. Instead of choosing the more stressful situation, we would rather take the easy way around the situation. It's amazing how those situations actually shape each human being. They provide for their hunger for more, more drama, more movement, just more. This fact of life is something I'm becoming more and more accustomed to. It's scary. Change. Advancing in the job field. Making the decision to move. Or for me, making the decision to have a full time job, part time job, and take a full credit load. I honestly thought that I could handle it. God knew differently and allowed certain things in my path to change in order to make a small bit of that work load work to my advantage. I'm learning through His influence and the paths He continues to lead me down and the ones he continues to lead me away from. These moments that so many of us deem so insignificant are moments that will define the future we lead and the decisions that are made down the line. A part of me can't wait to be in Savannah less than a year down the road and the other part of me is freaking out because I have the ability to make that decision without any one else's input. It means I'm in that process of becoming an adult, venturing out on my own, and making my own way. This surreal moment is a moment that no matter how small it may seem to others, is a definition of the person I am and am becoming. What lies down the road, I have no idea. But I won't stop pushing and fighting to become what I've always wanted. With a little help from God, my friends, and my family, I know I can make anything happen. Keep reaching forward. Keep following your heart. And pay attention to the little moments and the tough ones because those are going to be defining. xoBCC