Minnie, the Cat’s Pregnancy and Pre-labour

By Umkhaloodie

This is another cat post, I promise they are coming to an end soon… Well, minus the kitty pics.

I wanted to talk about the actual process that went on prior to her giving birth.
I feel it is important as there really
Isn’t that much information out there and the reason being is probably because few of us actually witness the birth itself, I didn’t.

Minnie’s babies arrived on Monday 27th May. On the previous evening, I had checked in on her around midnight and there were no babies, but lots of howling, ‘the typical howl they make when they are in heat’, I was baffled. I actually wondered was it a phantom pregnancy. I saw the babies move once or twice in her tummy but I had started to wonder were my eyes deceiving me.
She was affectionate for weeks before, 2/3 weeks of constant wanting to be touched, I couldn’t leave the room or she would nibble at my finger, she literally was my shadow. Other than her belly swelling, she didn’t really show any other signs except for the usual things, nipples lost hair around 4/5 weeks, more so at 6 weeks and at around 7/8 weeks she had a clear discharge. Gross, yes, but she cleaned it up quicker than it was coming out.

That night, of the 26th/27th, around 2am, Bokhalid asked me what the noise was. He assumed it was Aloooi but I quickly informed him, it’s definitely Minnie. I’m kicking myself now for not checking but I assumed she was just howling as usual (like she had been doing for the three days previous), little did I know she was possibly in labor although I can’t be a hundred percent sure.
It only went on for five minutes, perhaps not even that long. It wasn’t high pitched whailing, but it was definite whailing.

Next morning, around 7am, I went to the door, I didn’t open it, (I was getting kids ready for school and packing lunches), she came to the door and meowed… Had she had them? Who knows. I nipped out for groceries and came back around mid-day. I opened the door, she came straight to me (affectionate) and I noticed a few drops of blood on the floor. I panicked and then I noticed one tiny kitten (the black and white one) on its back in the corner of the cupboard. I couldn’t believe it!
‘You’ve had your baby!!!’
I assumed there was only one.. Until I heard a few more ‘squeaks’, yes, there underneath the blanket were 3 more…. Absolutely gorgeous.. But cold.. Very cold. I pushed her towards them, they suckled from her. I lifted the black and white one (I waited 15 minutes to see if she would lift it first, she didn’t), it was still wet, hadn’t been cleaned. It felt warmer than the others. I think she had literally just finished as I came home.

She’s a great mom. Prior to birth, she was a real grumpy cat, not so friendly and didn’t really like to be touched, if anything ‘motherhood’ has ‘softened’ her. She’s the most loving affectionate cat now. I’m so glad that we decided against neutering her and let her have a litter. She’s absolutely over the moon with her babies and purring passionately with love for them.
She’s a wonderful mom and is doing great. The kittens are nice and chubby and she seems to be taking wonderful care of them.

If you have a pregnant cat, the only advice I can give you is, when the time comes, you probably won’t even be there, just make sure you have a safe and quiet place for her. We actually gave Minnie one of our spare rooms with an ensuite. She had a place in the bedroom and in the bathroom. She chose the bedroom cupboard (I removed the drawers and put blankets down).

Most cats CAN and WILL do it on their own. Thankfully, Minnie has let me touch her kittens and doesn’t seem bothered at all, she trusts me. The sooner you touch the kittens the better. They need to be domesticated or you will end up with wild ferrals!