Minnesota Love from Love Jenny Xoxo

By Mystatelove @mystatelove

Our friend Jenny over at love jenny xoxo was kind enough to share her love for Minnesota with us…and about how great the Minnesota Grown t-shirts are. Okay… maybe I added “great” in there myself. Here’s what she had to say…

Minnesota is the “least miserable state” or what I just call the happiest state, according to Bloomberg. Now that’s even more true since the Vikings are dominating and Green Bay is sucking.  I know, I know, it’s all the replacement refs fault… but in the words of my sister:

As a Vikings fan I don’t feel too bad for the fans complaining that the refs ruined the game. While that may be true, I’d rather have bad calls in game 3 than in the NFC championship. #stillbitterfrom2009 ~Shauna Bomb

Me and my sister (Shauna Bomb) – me representing Minnesota in my Minnesota Grown tee from Minnesota Apparel

I have lived in Minnesota my entire life, except for 2 years when I went to college at UWEC and I am definitely a Minnesota girl through and through.

Sure it is cold here sometimes, but we have so much to offer.  Tons of lakes (90,000 miles of shoreline which is more than California, Florida and Hawaii combined… whoa right!?) and the biggest mall in the US (Mall of America, of course)… what more does a girl need?

Since I love my state, I was very excited to receive “Minnesota Grown” tees from Minnesota Apparel.  I love representing my state, and they tees are super soft, fit great and are very comfy – definitely my favorite t-shirt.  My hubby loves his too (nothing better than a Minnesota guy!).  Check out www.minnesotaapparel.com to get your Minnesota Grown tees if you are Minnesotan and proud of it!

Logan wearing his Minnesota Grown tee

Q: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a Minnesotan? I love hearing about stereotypes of Minnesotans, I think they are hilarious so don’t hold back.  I’ll even tell you what I think of your state if you want

Thanks for sharing with us Jenny!!! We’d have to agree with you that Minnesota is pretty awesome.

You can read her original post over on her blog here…

If you’d love to share with us why you love Minnesota, email us at support@minnesotaapparel.com!! We’d love to hear from you and maybe find our next “must see” stop in Minnesota!