Minimalist Monday: Simple Swaps

By Clairejustalittleless

1. Peeling carrots swapped for a quick wash.

2. Excess handbags swapped for 3 (everyday big bag, cross body bag, clutch).
3. Fake tan swapped for SPF 15 face and hand cream. 
4. Buying flowers for myself swapped for buying flowers for others. 
5. Ornaments swapped for house plants and favorite books.
6. Hair dye swapped for natural silver highlights.
7. Normal shampoo swapped for organic or natural alternatives (I still highly recommend a good egg wash).
8. Milk chocolate swapped for dark chocolate.
9. Excessive internet surfing swapped for sustained reading of real books.
10. Clutter swapped for 1 in 1 out.
11. Washing clothes after every wear swapped for less laundry days.
12. Low fat everything swapped for olive oil, cheese, full fat milk and avocados.
13. First cup of tea in the morning swapped for hot water and lemon.
14. Feeling blue swapped for a brisk 20 minute walk. 
15. Judging people swapped for being more open to others about my weaknesses.
16. Impulse shopping swapped for waiting a few weeks before reconsidering my purchase. 
17. Diet drinks swapped for peppermint/chamomile tea. 
18. Procrastination swapped for celebrating small achievements everyday.
19. Self-consciousness swapped for a smile.
2O. Pleasing others swapped for saying no more often.

Here are 20 simple swaps I've made recently. They all add enjoyment to my days whether it's because they give me health benefits, more time, happier relationships or stop me consuming so much. 

It's a list I might add to and share again. What's on your list? 

Thank you so much for all your kind messages. I'm so pleased to have this time with my Dad right now - simplifying my life has allowed me this precious time. I'm reading Walden by Henry David Thoreau in between visiting hours - it's great company. Have a good week xo
