Minimalist Monday: A New Start

By Clairejustalittleless

So, I resigned from my full-time permanent teaching job. It was easier to do a second time around but still a very difficult process (I last resigned from a part-time permanent teaching post in October 2013). After having worked part-time for five years, full-time teaching has felt hard and has taken its toll on many areas of my life (although, I've had the opportunity to work in a very supportive school and gain new experience, for which I'm grateful). 

I vowed when I left my last job to never stay in an unhappy work situation again, and I feel proud of myself for recognising that being in a permanent teaching post was not for me and that teaching is exhausting especially for an inherent introvert like me. 

Luckily, having downsized and developed a more minimalistic lifestyle since 2012, I know my supply teaching income will be enough to supplement our income. 

So, it's time to start looking forward and finding balance in my life and to not feel guilty when not working or when turning down work. Supply teaching will be my main income and will give me a lot of flexibility and freedom. I'm open to finding other ways of making a living and using my time as I settle into this new lifestyle.

Minimalism was new, fresh and exciting when I first embarked on decluttering and downsizing and it feels just as exciting now. 

A simpler more minimalistic life is one that I want to continue to build. I don't ever want to feel as time-poor as I have during the last nineteen months. Through full-time teaching I have developed self-discipline, resilience and determination - all of which I can apply to living more simply. 

The good news is, I would still call myself a minimalist or at least an aspiring minimalist.

The great thing about minimalism is that it gives you the opportunity to wipe the slate clean (very appropriate for a teacher, I guess). Never be frightened to start again. And again. Remember minimalism is a tool which can help you to create a simpler life. Minimalism is about experimenting with less. It's about selecting what you want to own and creating new routines and habits. It requires discipline, personal challenge and asking yourself tough questions.

You too could make a new start. Just stopping every now and then helps: evaluate the last year, month or even this morning. Take simple steps: stop buying in excess; breathe deeply; try meditation and mindfulness to be present; seek out the beauty of nature; exercise to improve your mood; and practice gratitude. Gratitude always brings perspective in a world where the distribution of wealth and freedom is so unequal. 

And often it's those with the least who show the most gratitude and who are the most generous and happy.