Minimalist Monday: 5 Tips for Maintaining a Minimalist Wardrobe

By Clairejustalittleless

Minimalist wardrobes are pretty awesome and inspiring. But how easy is it to stick to one once you've settled on your items or pressed publish on your minimalist wardrobe blog post? Self doubt can kick in (austerity in your wardrobe are you mad?). It's so easy to relax the the number of items in your wardrobe. After all 40 items or less can look lonely and it's so easy to take pity on stray garments that come your way, look you in the eye and somehow connive their way onto a spare hanger. Yes, maintaining a minimalist wardrobe takes discipline. But it can be done. Here's 5 simple tips to help. 

1. Go shopping less often. Ideally go shopping for clothes twice a year. Shop purposefully with a wish list. If you feel tempted to buy something wait 24 hours, then a week, then a month and the desire for that item often disappears. Remember that you already have a well put together minimalist wardrobe to cover your clothing needs. Put anything you still desire on a wish list. 

2. Have fun. A minimalist wardrobe doesn't have to be totally monochrome. You can have colour, pattern and quirky details in your wardrobe and having them can make all the difference to making a minimalist wardrobe work. If you desire some color go for color in a dress as this is a stand alone piece that only has to coordinate with footwear and a coat. It's an easy way to add pizzazz to your minimalist wardrobe and make your wardrobe a happy place.  

3. Stick to some rules. Set a limit for your wardrobe size. Mine is 40 yours might be more or less. Use the 1 in 1 out rule to maintain the size of your wardrobe. Apply the 2 to 1 ratio of tops to bottoms rule to have versatility and balance in your wardrobe. Try following other rules like not shopping in the sales or aiming to have just 1 of some items such as 1 handbag, 1 pair of gloves or 1 winter scarf.

4. Get rid of items you've stored away. If you have stored some 'just in case' items of clothing away in the process of creating your minimalist wardrobe after 6 months try and get rid of the boxed up items. If you've not missed the items (and can be brave and ruthless) get rid of the boxes without looking in them. If you must take a peek don't save everything, salvage several items to store for longer but get rid of the rest. Your aim is to own only the items in your wardrobe and not have extra boxes of clothes in storage in your home. The temptation to raid a box of clothing is never far away and you could easily end up with an expanding wardrobe if you start raiding clothes that are in storage. Soon you could back to where you started with a bursting wardrobe. Not a good result. 

5. Be happy with what you've got. Working towards having the ideal wardrobe takes time so don't expect every item to be perfect. Instead make the most of what you've got. Some items might not be the right color or as versatile as you'd like but stick with them until you can afford to improve these pieces. Use the information you've learned from wearing 'not quite right' clothes to make more purposeful purchases in the future. Be happy with the progress you've made to date even if your minimalist wardrobe is not finished. Be kind to yourself if you make mistakes and believe that one day you'll create a minimalist  wardrobe. Be happy with the extra time and energy not having to maintain a large wardrobe gives you. Use this time to nurture yourself taking time for your health and relationships all of which can improve how you feel and look. Looking good isn't just about what you wear it comes from the inside too. 

More important than anything in your minimalist wardrobe is having a healthy and happy relationship with yourself. Take care and have fun xo