Minecraft Update Part 1

Posted on the 19 November 2011 by Kvlog101 @KVlog101
Goodbye bata 1.8.1 and hello to 1.0.0
The game update came out at 11ish last night and it is great, the texture packs are abit buggy, but the game is finally here in all its block building glory, the game has added hardcore mode in single player and the experience bar has gone to be replaced by numbers...
There is so much to talk about that I don't know where to start with it all. The game is smoother and everything seems to work, no information yet as I write this to what is in the new version but if its anything like 1.9 the content will be quite large so watch this blog over the next few days for more information...
Look out for part 2 tomorrow...
Thanks for reading