Minding the Gap

By Expatmum @tonihargis
I've been known to moan "We never DO anything" occasionally, and, truth be told I only have myself to blame. I mean, does anyone else have a social-life-fairy or an exciting-life-fairy? Thought not. Life is what you make it, and since I sit at home tapping away all day, I don't know what else I should expect.
Last Friday however, we went to a Bruce Springstein concert at Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs baseball team. I can't even remember the last time I went to a concert, not counting the Man-Child's School of Rock stuff. Seriously, that's how boring my life is. I farted around so much, trying to decide whether to go or not, that we ended up with really cheap "nosebleed" seats.

Doesn't really give the true vertigo-inducing sense of height, but we were at the very top and farther right than you can even see on this pic. I think we were on the fourth or fifth layer. The beer stands were all on level 2 and the loos were on the Ground floor. Let's just say I only had one beer!
Springstein was great even though I hadn't been paying too much attention to his later stuff; he's such a good entertainer, playing over 26 songs in three and a half hours. That man has some stamina, and I'm not even going to add "for his age".
And even more exciting - (have a seat) I have been asked to write for the BBCAmerica web site. The blog is called "Mind the Gap" and it explains American culture, lifestyle, vocab etc. to Brits. Right up my street really.
I'm busy drafting my first piece but I'll let you know when it goes up.