Mindfully Healthy Kids Summer Culinary Day Camp
Date: Thursday July 7 through Friday July 8, 2016
Time: 9-2 PM
Location: 540 West Main Street | Rochester, NY 14608
Tickets: Purchase online through Eventbrite.
Contact: Calvin Eaton at asktheglutenfreechef@gmail.com or 585-732- 0002
Ticket link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mindfully-healthy-summer- culinary-day-camp-tickets-22477495795?aff=es2
I am thrilled to host this one of a kind summer day camp for students aged 8-15 years old. The camp will focus on educating the whole person through mini workshops, demonstrations, and exercises that engage the mind and the body. These will include sessions in yoga, mindful meditation, essential oils, zumba, yoga, and gluten free cooking and baking.
This year’s workshops will be co-led by an amazing panel of Rochester women in Wellness:
Kay Colner PT, DPT, RYT | Roc City Yoga Therapy
Kay Colner is a Dr. of Physical Therapy and Registered Yoga Teacher. She owns Roc City Yoga Therapy and leads classes that aim to spark curiosity and playfulness in her students’ minds and bodies. Each class is an invitation for students to bring ideas and goals to explore and share.
Jamie Lam, Eat Smart New York Nutrition Educator | Foodlink NY
Jamie Lam is an Eat Smart New York community nutrition educator based at Foodlink in Rochester, NY. She is a first generation Vietnamese-American with a B.S in Nutrition Science from the University of California, Davis.
Sabrina DeVos, Founder Celiac Strong Camp | Ithaca, NY
Sabrina Devos is the founder of Celiac Strong Camp; a celiac safe summer camp held in Ithaca, NY. This summer marks Celiac Strong’s third year.
540WMain is a community event and education center vested in up-building, uplifting, and improving the National Register Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood,its residents, and Greater Rochester.The center presents a unique opportunity for those living in the Susan B. Anthony district and Greater Rochester.