Mind Control

By Phoenixwriter @naesnest


So much for a “penny for your thoughts”….now it is FREE!

 Mind Control: Brain Scan Shows Your Exact Thoughts                  By Deborah Dupre (Reporter)

Brain scans allow researchers to know exactly what a person is imagining, according to scientists decoding images directly from the brain and saying that with more studies, this new technology could help “treat” people. Human rights abuses involving mind control, however, are more advanced and common than the public is aware, although painfully revealed by torture victims, including many self-identified targeted individuals such as Bhutan’s Tek Nath Rizal.

“Researchers have been able to put together what numbers people have seen, the memory a person is recalling, and even reconstruct videos of what a person has watched,” Business Insider reports.

“This is the first study to show that we can decode what people are imagining,” said Cornell University cognitive neuroscientist Nathan Spreng this week.

“We are trying to understand the physical mechanisms that allow us to have an inner world, and a part of that is how we represent other people in our mind.”

All the better to target and torture you with, my dear

Implications of this research regarding mind control, neuroweaponry, targeted individuals and “interrogation” or torture are staggering.

Further research could help diagnose “diseases” and help “treat” disorders, the Cornell researchers say.

“It turns out that the history of neuroscience is revealing significant new evidence that such weapons may already be developed,” states human rights advocate Cheryl Welsh. “Just one example of many illustrates the point. Experts agree that understanding, communicating and controlling the brain is a futuristic capability that has some similarities with a radio receiver which can transmit and receive radio waves.”

Welsh, director of Mind Justice.org, writes:

To develop neuroweapons with such capabilities requires information age science of semiconductors, solid state physics and bioelectronics, which is the application of electronics science to biology–including the brain. Information age science took off in the 1940s and led to science discoveries such as transistor radios, computers, “human transistors” and much more. Notably, the bioelectronics and ‘human transistors’ research has been extended and has never been disproven. Nevertheless, this promising area of research remains obscure and at a rudimentary level of development. With a look back, two newspaper articles now illustrate some of the reasons why. 

First, the New York Post-Standard Sunday Magazine, June 30, 1963 newspaper reported on the start of the promising career of Robert O. Becker, a bioelectronics researcher. Moreover, according to a 1985 BBC documentary and a 2010 book, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) considered Becker’s bioelectronics research to be reliable enough to depend on for national security purposes. In the 1960′s, the CIA consulted with Becker about the possible use of Soviet bioelectronic weapons on U.S. fighter pilots shot down over the former U.S.S.R.

Welsh notes that almost 20 years later, Becker’s career was ‘short-circuited by the establishment,’ according to the Syracuse Herald-American on February 15, 1981.

Becker said his research was being derailed by several U.S. government interests due to his speaking publicly about possible health risks of related technologies.

“Furthermore, in the following 10 years, Becker went public by writing two books that described the U.S. national security establishment and its controlling interest and monopoly over this area of research since at least the 1960s,” Welsh writes.

Welsh recommends reading Torture, Killing Me Softly, a 2009 book by Tek Nath Rizal.

Rizal alleges government mind control torture with secret electromagnetic radiation (EMR) mind control weapons.

Rizal was a prominent government consultant to Bhutan in South Asian before exposing corruption in high places.

He became a popular political figure and internationally recognized human rights activist.

“His (Rizal’s) book is about his experience of several years of imprisonment in Bhutan with an emphasis on the EMR mind control torture,” Welsh writes. “The U.S. Department of State and Amnesty International regarded Rizal as a political prisoner and won his release from prison.

“Rizal has written several books, some of which included his accounts of mind control torture.”

Welsh says, “For the first time, a variety of medical, government and military professionals publicly acknowledge secret EMR mind control weapons for interrogation and torture in prisons and on POWs, prisoners of war.”

She also asserts, ”The U.S. and other major governments have harnessed science and technology to develop secret electromagnetic radiation (EMR) mind control weapons for intelligence purposes, for interrogation and torture, and for neutralizing the enemy without killing.”

Welsh authored a review of the book including two lists for a revealing comparison: 1) EMR mind control technologies tracked by the UN and human rights groups since the 1950s, and 2) High profile cases similar to the case of Tek Nath Rizal.

She notes other reviews about Rizal’s book:

  • APFA News also reviews the book and has a link for ordering a copy. (Mind Justice hosts a copy of this review.)
  • Bhutan News Service offers this review. (Mind Justice hosts a copy of this review.)
  • The Himalayan Times reviews the book on this page. (Mind Justice hosts a copy of this review.)
  • The Nepal Monitor, too, reviewed the book. (Mind Justice hosts a copy of this review.)

“We owe thanks to Cheryl Welsh and her colleagues for their pioneering efforts to penetrate government deception through the phenomenology of self-identified victims of neuroweapons,” Jean Maria Arrigo, PhDwrote about Welsh in 2008.

Arrigo is an independent social psychologist and oral historian whose work gives moral voice to military and intelligence professionals. (See, for example, Arrigo, J.M & Wagner, R. (2007). Torture Is for Amateurs: A Meeting of Psychologists and Military Interrogators. [Special issue]. Peace and Conflict, 11 (4).)

More Information on mind control, including news services and links to reviews by Cheryl Welsh, is available on her website, Mind Justice.

Mind Justice, according to its website, is a human rights group working for rights and protections of mental integrity and freedom from new technologies and weapons that target the mind and nervous system.