Milwaukee Mayor Blames Scott Walker - Fox News Actress Megyn Kelly Lies About What He Said

Posted on the 15 April 2015 by Mikeb302000

The video reporter says, "Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clark quickly noted the gun laws the mayor is blaming deal with concealed carry permits."
That's the misdirection Megyn Kelly picked up on.  Filthy liars, all.
Plus, The video commenter says that gun rights groups claim not one of the Milaukee murders was done by a permit holder.  The Fox stooge Marc Thiessen said there was one murder committed by a concealed carry permit holder, apparently not in Milwaukee.  Yet the VPC has two listed, both in Milwaukee.
The truth is there are two THAT WE KNOW ABOUT.  That means there are more than two, we just don't know how many.  Then, let's not forget to consider all the misuse of guns committed by permit holders that falls short of murder.  That's how we get percentages that are equal to gun owners at large and the general public, in spite of all the lies and tricks the gun rights defenders try to pull in order to claim the incredible.