Milo and the Magpies Walkthrough

Posted on the 27 January 2022 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 27 January, 2022

Milo and the Magpies Walkthrough – Johan Scherft puzzle game – All the Steps to beat the game, from chapter 1 to chapter 9 

Milo and the Magpies Walkthrough – Chapter 1

These are the Steps to complete Chapter 1 – The First Step Home

  1. Click on Milo
  2. Look at the computer Screen (Through the window)
  3. Click on Milo x2
  4. Click on the lawn mower
  5. Place the small stone in the fountain
  6. Click on the frog (beneath the rock)
  7. Click on Milo to attack the Magpie

Milo and the Magpies Walkthrough – Chapter 2

These are the Steps to complete Chapter 2 – The Artist

  1. Click on Milo > Click again on Milo
  2. Look at the painting (Through the window)
  3. Click on the Sunflower (facing towards the window) x2
  4. Click on Milo, on the nearby window to break it, and on Milo again
  5. Get the key from the jacket on the ground
  6. Use the key on the locked shed door
  7. Look at the Bike, the lock and the painting, each item will give you a number:
    1. Paintbrush: 8
    2. Bottle: 2
    3. Frog: 6
    4. Apple: 3
  8. Enter the code (8263), click on the bike and turn the tap
  9. Get the key (pond) and use it on the locked shed door
  10. Use the wire cuters (shed) on the fence and go through the hole

Milo and the Magpies Walkthrough – Chapter 3

These are the Steps to complete Chapter 3 – Child’s Play

  1. Shake the branch x3 and click on the glowing object
  2. Fly the toy helicopter up
  3. Get the boy on the trampoline to jump high enough to return the magpie to the left
  4. Click on the neighbor to knock down the blue ball
  5. Fly the toy helicopter
  6. Get the boy on the trampoline to kick it once into Milo’s box > Kick it again > get the girl to slide down the slide and kick the ball as it comes past
  7. Grab the batteries and use them with the helicopter remote control
  8. Scare away the Magpie using the helicopter
  9. Click on Milo x2

Milo and the Magpies Walkthrough – Chapter 4

These are the Steps to complete Chapter 4 – Feed the Birds

  1. Look at the paper (next to the man)
  2. Click on Milo
  3. Get the birds:
    • 1 & 3: Touch the dried sunflower
    • 2: Click on the snail (upright post of the perch)
    • 4: Move the hanging bird feeder from the right tree to the perch
    • 5: Place the apple (near Milo) on the perch
    • 7: Move the garden gnome and place the worm on the perch
    • 8: Take the lid (trash can) and place the bread on the perch
    • 6: Open top right window and pour water into the bird bath
  4. Place the fallen worm on the perch
  5. Click on Milo

Milo and the Magpies Walkthrough – Chapter 5

These are the Steps to complete Chapter 5 – A Fishing Trip

  1. Click on Milo x3
  2. Notice the colors of the foods (oposite building table)
  3. Click on the girl (window) and notice what she gets
  4. Click on the duck and on the girl (Order: White, Green & Brown, Black, Orange & Gray)
  5. Now click on the fisherman until he turns around
  6. Click on the crab > and click on Milo until he reaches the deck
  7. Click on Milo to kick the fish > then Click on the girl > then click on the blue bird
  8. Finally click on Milo x2

Milo and the Magpies Walkthrough – Chapter 6

These are the Steps to complete Chapter 6 – Boogie Time

  1. Click on the cat > then on Milo until the man throws his can
  2. Click on the man
  3. Place the music on the piano
  4. Click on the man tu turn off the music
  5. Click on Milo for catnip > then on the cupid statue
  6. Drag the collar onto milo
  7. Click on the tree x2
  8. Finally Click on Milo

Chapter 7 – Unexpected Help Walkthrough

These are the Steps to complete Chapter 7 – Unexpected Help

  1. Click on Milo x3
  2. Click on the love-heart picture in the left bookcase (it will fall) > Click again > Click on the kitty litter > Now on the black key
  3. Use the black key on the lock (left bookcase)
  4. Notice the order of the items in the new shelf and click:
    • Right orange ball
    • Cup on the table
    • Flower pillow
    • Black light switch on the floor
    • White and blue sock
    • Right orange ball
    • Cup on the table
    • Flower pillow
    • Beethoven statue
    • Wall clock
    • Lamp shade
    • Mirror on the left wall
    • Door handle
  5. Finally Click on Milo x2+

Chapter 8 The New Neighbors Walkthrough

These are the Steps to complete Chapter 8 – The New Neighbors

  1. Click on the shed door (dog barks x5)
  2. Give the green bottle to the man (high window)
  3. Click on the spilled liquid (dog barks x3)
  4. Interact with the photo (lower window)
  5. Place the clothes (clothes line) in this order: floral, white, red, black, striped
  6. Click on the fallen floral top (dog barks x1)
  7. Cut open the rubbish bag at the bottom left with the broken bottle
  8. Click on the rat x2 (dog barks x7)
  9. Click on the mail > piece it back > click on the article and match family members with dog barks:
    1. Yvonne: 7
    2. Xander: 5
    3. Marjolein: 1
    4. Peter: 3
  10. Go inside: Open the fuse box > Press the right green button
  11. Click on the shed door > click on the moth (outside)
  12. Open the safe (outside ground) using the code 7513
  13. Use the remote control on the lower window
  14. Finally click on Milo x2

Chapter 9 – The Final Storm Walkthrough

These are the Steps to complete Chapter 9 – The Final Storm

  1. Click on the loose roof tile to the right of the left window and on the bat
  2. Interact with the window and undo the latch
  3. Click on the mouse
  4. Use the key on the locked diary and read both pages
  5. Use the fallen pot plant on the next and examine it
  6. Click on the plant and give the earring to the magpie
  7. Click on Milo > Click on Milo again > now on the nest > and finally in each baby bird (notice the numbers)
  8. Birds: First click on them from 1 to 5 > then from left to right > then on the baby > then on the nearby magpie > now on Milo x2 > and finally on the baby bird until Milo is saved