The POS in the White House and the eunuchs in Congress will hear from the roar of Americans, loud and clear, this weekend.
On Sunday, October 13, U.S. military veterans from across the nation will come to Washington, D.C. to march at the World War II Memorial as part of the “Million Vet March on the Memorials” to protest the “anti-American” barricades and mounted police President Lucifer set up as part of the federal government shutdown last week. (Here’s their website.)
The Million Veterans March is sponsored by Special Operations Speaks, a group of veterans holding the Obama administration accountable for the Benghazi scandal and demanding that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) form a Select Committee to investigate the matter.
This is what we can do to support the truckers and vets:
Don’t buy or sell anything!
Send a message to America’s corrupt government by withholding our money!
Here’s an email from FOTM reader TnRick:
I’m sitting here feeling helpless and frustrated that our Troops overseas are being denied the opportunity to watch football this weekend so that this President can “make a point”. He has closed and prohibited entrance to our National Monuments, Parks and Cemeteries in a deliberate affront to our WWII Veterans yet his golf course is exempt. The Washington Times is reporting and I quote “It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”
Read more:
Now, if I owned a team, was a member of a team or had the ear of one of the above I’d suggest that we take the game “off “ to show that we, as Americans respect the sacrifice and just not show-up on Sunday but that’s not going to happen. Then I had this epiphany, on October 11-13 American and Canadian truckers are expected to converge on Washington D.C. in protest that we have all had enough.
I suggest that we take it one step further let us all join in by simply dropping out. What I’m asking is that we make no purchases period, if we own a business close it for those three days. Pull the breakers from your panel and don’t participate with the “system in any way. Let’s make these three days a dress rehearsal for the times a lot of us are prepping for anyway. I believe it will draw some attention when there are few if any cars on the road and no revenue being generated.
If it’s too much to ask that you refrain from buying and selling for three days, Oct. 11-13, commit yourself to at least ONE DAY!
Since I don’t sell, I hereby promise I will not buy anything for two days, Friday-Saturday Oct. 11-12.
UPDATE: claims it has spoken to sources within the Department of Transportation who say the feds plan to order armed National Guard troops to close Washington DC’s Interstate Route 495 tomorrow in order to derail a mass protest and potential blockade being organized by Truckers Ride for the Constitution. (More here)
All the more reason for the rest of us — millions of us — to undertake a consumers’ boycott!!!!!!!!!!
H/t FOTM reader Suzanne Western