Typically Milk cake is prepared by boiling milk till to thick condense milk consistency and cooked with sugar and cardamom, for grainy texture we can add lemon juice or phitkari. You can keep this dish for 5 to 6 days at room temperature and more than one week in freeze.
Preparation Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: one hour+ Servings: 6 Small Pieces Category: Desserts Cuisine: Indian (Uttar Pradesh)
Ingredients: 1 Litre Full Cream Milk 1/2 Cup Sugar 1 Tsp. Cardamom 1 Tbsp. Desi Ghee/ Clarified Butter 1/2 Lemon, Juice Grated Pistachios, for garnishing
Instructions: Boil the milk in a deep heavy bottom pan on medium flame. When milk starts boiling, let’s stir the milk continuously till to milk remains 1/3 in quantity. Now to make grainy form of milk, add lemon juice slowly on low flame. Don’t stir at the time of adding lemon juice. After one minute, stir the milk constantly till the milk gets thick and grainy consistency. Add green cardamom powder and sugar as per taste and mix well. Keep stirring and you will get golden brown color mixture. To set the milk cake, grease the pan with ghee. Transfer the mixture to the greased pan and cover it gently. Keep aside to set for 2-3 hours. Cut into square or rectangular shape and garnish with chopped pistachios. Notes: take thick bottom pan otherwise mixture can stick to the bottom of vessel.
Tags: Milk cake, How to make milk cake recipe, kalakand, milk recipes, milk based sweets, blogging marathon, simply tadka, food blogging, desserts, indian sweets, indian fudge, grainy sweets, uttar Pradesh recipe, festival special recipe, Diwali recipe, holi recipe.
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