
By Made4aid

... of one sort or another.

Made4aid cash donated!

I discovered we'd passed this milestone while doing a routine finance update - details of donations have been updated here and on the website, where you'll find more detail.

Made4aid - donors and shop members

We also have more donated items in the shop than ever before, which is another fantastic milestone. In 2020 we had a total of 8 people donating their lovely items to made4aid, more than ever before.

So far in 2021, we have had donations from 14 people in the made4aid shop, including 7 new people - which is amazing!

If you're interested in donating some of your work - or if you have vintage art or craft work to donate (at least 20 years old), or art/craft supplies - there is more information here. And you can contact me at, via our facebook page, or on Instagram @made4aid.

Thank you for reading this blog post and thank you if you support made4aid in any way through donating, buying our items, or sharing on Insta, facebook or elsewhere.