Mike Pence Really Did Touch the Space Equipment Labeled ‘Do Not Touch’

Posted on the 07 July 2017 by Sumithardia

Mike Pence really did touch the space equipment labeled ‘Do Not Touch’

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While Donald Trump was Making America Deplorable Again (#MADA) by acting like a total moron in Poland and Germany, Mike Pence was trying his best to be presidential at home. VP Pence visited the Kennedy Space Center yesterday, and he made a speech about how we need to invest even more time, money and resources into the space program and how “American security will be as dominant in the heavens as we are here on Earth.” I think that means Pence wants to bomb sh-t in space, like Star Wars or something. He also said words about America going to Mars, but stopped just shy of saying that we needed to colonize Mars in the name of the Great Soviet Republic of Trumplandia.
But none of that was important. What was important is that Pence got a VIP tour of the space center and this happened:
Mike Pence @VP gets a tour of the NASA Orion clean room & touches critical space flight hardware even though the sign says not to. pic.twitter.com/Wk2HWdNbp0
— Kal Penn (@kalpenn) July 7, 2017

“DO NOT TOUCH” the sign reads. The sensitive space equipment explicitly refused consent. Mike Pence didn’t care. “Mother’s not here,” he whispered. “No one will ever know.” The space equipment: “DO NOT TOUCH.” VP Pence: “This is almost as good as eating a meal with a woman who is not Mother, oh God, right ther—–” So of course it became a meme.
Pence tours NASASign:"Do not touch"He can't stop, touches anywayThis is why Mother won't let him alone with girlspic.twitter.com/hoFwZkhgw6
— Steve Marmel (@Marmel) July 7, 2017

In Pence's defense, "DO NOT TOUCH" is in quotes. pic.twitter.com/E6AXhxICnn
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) July 7, 2017

Pence:….ShinyRubio:The sign says "Do Not Touch" Mike!Pence:….Shiny pic.twitter.com/vyBqZBiBZd
— St Peter (@stpeteyontweety) July 7, 2017

Pence looked left. Then right. Mother wasn't anywhere around. He smiled to himself. He would touch pic.twitter.com/3WHJ3sGkvh
— Jason Miller (@longwall26) July 7, 2017

Suddenly I understand why he won't have dinner with a woman who isn't his wife. pic.twitter.com/Vk2BLDRadR
— shauna (@goldengateblond) July 7, 2017

Photo courtesy of Getty.

Source: Mike Pence really did touch the space equipment labeled ‘Do Not Touch’

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