Migrants Were Moving Through the LCRV Last Night!

By Timschreckengost @timshrek

Greater Roadrunner eating breakfast at the Bill Williams NWR on 5-18-2012

Last night, the radar showed moderate migration throughout the lower Colorado River Valley. Members of the crew observed decent numbers of many species of migrants from Blythe, CA to Needles, CA in the valley. Among the migrants, a few vagrants were also found including a Northern Parula, a rare migrant, near Blythe and a Virginia’s Warbler and Scott’s Oriole, both casual migrants through the valley, in the Bill Williams NWR. Here is a list of migrants observed by the GBBO Crew this morning:

Western Tanager, Willow Flycatcher, Pacific-Slope Flycatcher, Hammond’s Flycatcher, Bullock’s Oriole, Townsend’s Warbler, Hermit Warbler, Swainson’s Thrush, Yellow Warbler, Western Wood-Pewee, Chipping Sparrow, Audubon’s Warbler, Lazuli Bunting, Black-headed Grosbeak, Orange-crowned Warbler, Wilson’s Warbler, and Warbling Vireo.

Note: Greater Roadrunners are not migrants and are residents in the LCRV. It was the only bird picture I took today!

Reference: Rosenberg, K.V., R. D. Ohmart, W. C. Hunter, and B. W. Anderson. 1991. Birds of the Lower Colorado River Valley. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona.