Midweek Movie Review

By Emma Whoriskey @whoriskeyemma
4 September, 2014
Midweek Movie ReviewMidweek Movie Review

As autumn sets in and the evenings get shorter, I love to go to the cinema. This got me thinking, why not enlist the services of a movie buff to point you in the right direction! So for the next few weeks, ChickFlick will be posting a movie review every week on a current movie.

She'll also be advising on similar movies to rent or stream if you liked what you saw, along with a star rating. ☆ being awful and ☆☆☆☆☆ being amazing!

Feel free to post, comment or pose questions to her using the hashtag #ChickFlick. This week's review was on Lucy -> here's what she thought.

Directed by - Luc Besson
Starring Scarlett Johannson, Morgan Freeman

Chickflick Rating

They said I could take 500 words to review this movie, I could do in a fraction of that, but hey lets live a little. In short, it was a waste of money for the ticket, (but never for the popcorn and drinks) and just plain awful. The premise of the movie being that we only utilize up to 10% of our brain capacity and, oh gosh darn it, what would it be like if we could go the whole hog and use 100 %. Well for one, am sure we could make a better movie than Lucy ! The problem here was that the director ( Luc Besson) took a whopping 10 years to play around with this idea for a movie. Somewhere it may have looked like a slick action film, of which he does exceptionally well (Leon anyone...), but then he got God involved (otherwise known as Morgan Freeman) to preach to us about the infinite possibilities of what full brain capacity could perhaps achieve. Oh and some Triad action. Nope me neither. The one pleasure in it for me was the ever wonderful Julian Rind Tutt, an English actor playing a character called The Limey (I kid you not) it was a nicely hammed moment. This was a mess of a movie, indeed such a mess that am scarlet for Scarlet, good tilting the head to one side acting from herself though.
