Midnite Hellion - Hour Of The Wolf

Posted on the 15 January 2014 by Ripplemusic

   Old school thrash meets melodic metal here. Only two songs to wet your appetite. O.k. I like this release. Heavy enough to satisfy the metal thrasher inside me yet melodic enough to capture the magical classic metal tones of the 80's. "Hour Of The wolf" is a classic metal song with full blown vocals.

"The Morrigan" is king diamond-esque meets Anthrax backstage at an Armored Saint concert circa 1984. Vocals here are powerful yet familiar. This song has it all. The key elements to good metal. Power ,Precision, and passion.

Overall a great start. My only request would be more guitar solos. But that is just me.

These two songs are some great killer tunes. If these are any indication of the rest of the album then it will surely be a highlight of 2014.

8/10 horns up
