Midlands Fashion Awards 2014

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog

Image c/o Midlands Fashion Awards

Are you a new and upcoming fashion designer dreaming of having your collections showcased on a catwalk? Maybe you want a career in styling or maybe you dream of becoming the next biggest make up artist?

If this is you, and you're based in the Midlands then boy oh boy do I have something exciting you may be interested in!!

Image c/o Midlands Fashion Awards

The Midlands Fashion Awards are back for the 6th year running and their looking for talented local and regional folk to showcase their work at this years awards show. There are many categories to enter including: MFA Independent Designer of the Year, MFA Make-up Artist of the Year, MFA New Emerging Talent of the Year and more, you can find more information on the categories here

"It's aim is to recognise, inspire and promote the wealth of fashion talent within the Midlands" - Quote off MFA website.

Previous MFA entrants have had some amazing success as a result on entering the competition, for example Victoria Bramwell, who won Young Fashion Designer of the year in 2010 was scouted at the awards by Alexis Knox (a celebrity fashion stylist) to showcase her work at the Clothes Show Live in the main fashion theater and is now based in California working alongside other LA designers and showcasing creations at RAW Hollywood.  Another example is Tamara Joseph (2012 winner of Designer Catalyst) who has had international success with showcasing at Maryland Fashion Week and Charlotte International Fashion Week in the USA.
Entries for applications closes on the 4th May 2014. To find out how to apply click here