I don't know how they can say it with a straight face, but the congressional Republicans (and Donald Trump) are still claiming their tax cut plan is for the middle class. It isn't -- unless you consider middle class to only be people making more than $100,000 a year.
According to the Census Bureau, the median income for households in the United States is $57,617 a year. Half of households make less than that and half of households make more than that. Now, any reasonable person would assume that the middle class would contain households making within a few thousand dollars (more or less) of the median income.
But those are not the people who benefit from the Republican tax reform plan. The chart above is from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and it shows the Joint Committee on Taxation numbers for the GOP tax plan by 2027. Note that the only people benefitting are those making over $100,000 a year -- and those making less than $75,000 will actually see their after tax income go down.
Evidently the congressional Republicans think the middle class is households making over $100,000 a year (which would leave out about 90% of Americans).
This is NOT a middle class tax cut. It is a huge redistribution of income and wealth from working Americans to the rich. Anyone who says it's a middle class tax cut is either incredibly stupid, or LYING!