Michelle Obama to Present Espy’s Award to the Late Eunice Kennedy Shriver

By Firstladyb


ESPN has chosen former first lady, Michelle Obama to help posthumously honor Special Olympics founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver.

The former first lady is presenting the Arthur Ashe Courage Award to Shriver’s son, Timothy Shriver, during ABC’s broadcast of the ESPYS awards in Los Angeles Wednesday night.

Timothy Shriver chairs the Special Olympics, a sporting event his mother founded in the late 1960s to help empower people with intellectual disabilities.

Mrs. Obama says in a statement that Eunice Shriver’s work to promote their inclusion and acceptance was inspiring and changed the lives of countless young athletes.

“Eunice Kennedy Shriver was a passionate champion for those with developmental challenges, empowering them to fulfill their highest potential,” Mrs. Obama said in her statement. “Her work to promote inclusion and acceptance transformed the lives of countless young athletes and inspired us all. I am incredibly honored to present this award to her son to celebrate her life’s work.”

Eunice Kennedy Shriver died in 2009.