Michelle Obama Praises The Next Generation At Klick Health Event

By Firstladyb


Former First Lady Michelle Obama has hope in the next generation.
The former First Lady praised the next generation Tuesday at Muse, an event hosted by Klick Health in New York City.

Michelle Obama stressed at the event  that people are the key to changing the fabric of our society.

According to Time, Mrs. Obama said she believes young people will be the ones to affect that change, referring specifically to the Black Lives Matter movement and student-led protests that have sprung up in the wake of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting earlier this month.

“I’m optimistic about our kids, always,” Obama said. “We see these kids in Florida, the Black Lives Matter kids. They are smart, they are passionate, they do have the right values. They know inequity. They know wrong when they see it. There is hope in that next generation. They’re tired of watching us do the same old thing and expect different results.”