Michael J Murphy - Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Cover-Up Exposed

Posted on the 22 August 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
because the skies over Oxford are this morning getting BOMBARDED with whatever/whyever are those long persistent contrails (aka chemtrails) in the sky, I've decdied to feature BOTH FILMS of documentary film-maker Michael J Murphy who gets the big introductory preamble/interview on Infowars with Alex Jones showing a Metal (brain poison) Future most of the population a) wouldn't want or b) aren't aware of:
Aluminium, Barium and Strontium are the major findings in people's brains!

WHAT in the world are they spraying - deals with the content of commercial jet engine exhausts.

WHY in the world are they spraying - deals with the reason for this crap pouring out of commercial jet engine exhausts.

Closing statement from WHY: "I believe that we collectively, as human beings, as humanity, have the power and the ability to STOP these damaging programmes."
FREE PLANET, that's where all our minds should be at.