Michael Caine Voted for Brexit: ‘I’d Rather Be a Poor Master Than a Rich Servant’

Posted on the 07 April 2017 by Sumithardia

How’s your Hard Brexit going, British Celebitches? I get the feeling that many of the people who voted for Brexit (as opposed to those voting to Bremain) really didn’t believe that anyone would actually go through with it. Something similar happened with the people who voted for Donald Trump: so many of those voters were flat-out shocked to learn that he really is trying to do all of the deplorable sh-t he said he would do. Still, I’m sure that many Trump voters are getting what they wanted, just as I’m sure many Brexit voters are getting what they wanted. Michael Caine is one of those Brexit voters. He told a media outlet this week that he voted for Brexit, and his reasoning is… um, interesting?
Michael Caine has revealed his reasons for voting for Brexit, saying that the British public voted for “freedom” rather than as a result of racism or anxiety over immigration. Speaking to Sky News while promoting his new film Going in Style, the actor said that he was confident that Britain’s exit from the EU would be “all right”.
“I voted for Brexit. What it is with me, I’d rather be a poor master than a rich servant. It wasn’t about the racism, immigrants or anything, it was about freedom. Politics is always chaotic,” he added. “In politics, you’re always going into areas you’ve never been before, so you’re going to get lost and then you’re going to find your way, and then it’ll be all right.”
Caine has been outspoken in his Euroscepticism before. In an interview with the BBC’s Nick Robinson four months before the EU referendum, he declared both leave and remain options “scary”, but seemed to express a preference for leaving the EU.
“To me, I think what you have in Europe is a government-by-proxy of everybody who has now got carried away. I think that, unless there are some extremely significant changes we should get out. I feel certain we should come out.”
[From The Guardian]
Again, my take on Brexit voters is a lot like my take on Trump voters: you can claim that you were voting for “freedom” or “lower health insurance costs” or “the economy,” but that doesn’t change the fact that you were also voting FOR racism, jingoism, (white) nationalism and chaos. I would never presume to say that the European Union is great and there are no problems. Of course the EU has issues and of course there were completely legitimate gripes about Bremaining. But was Brexit the answer? Did Brexit solve all of Britain’s problems? Or did it just create a host of new, stupid, tedious problems? Also, with regards to Michael Caine in particular… is he, like, Peak Brexit voter? White man, 84 years old, came from a working class background but is now wealthy and probably living abroad most of the time?

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

Source: celebitchy.com

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