Mexico President Wants PM Modi, Pope, UN Chief To Head This Panel: Report

Posted on the 12 August 2022 by Geetikamalik

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador plans to submit a written proposal to the United Nations to make a commission, consisting of three world leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to promote world weapons for five years, the MSN Web Portal reports.”I will make a proposal in writing, I will present it to the United Nations. I have said it and I hope the media will help us spread it. Because they are not talking when they are uncomfortable for them,” MSN quoted Obrador said during a press conference.

The President of Mexico suggested that the top commission must include Pope Francis, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, and PM Narendra Modi. The purpose of the commission is to submit a proposal to stop war throughout the world and reach an agreement to seek a ceasefire for at least five years.

“The three of them met and immediately submitted a proposal to stop the war everywhere, and reached an agreement to seek a ceasefire at least five years, so that governments throughout the world dedicate themselves to support their people, especially those who suffer the most From war and its effects; that we have five years without tension, without violence and with peace, “he said.

The end of actions such as war, President of Mexico has invited China, Russia and the United States, to seek peace and hope that the three countries “will listen and accept intermediaries as we propose”.

“Tell them, by their confrontations, in nothing more than a year, they have caused this. They have precipitated the world economic crisis, they have increased inflation and caused food shortages, more poverty and, worst of all, in one year, because From confrontation, so many humans have lost their lives. That is a paragraph. That’s what they have done in one year, “MSN quoted him.
According to Obrador, the proposed ceasefire will facilitate “reach agreements in the cases of Taiwan, Israel and Palestine, and not promote, provoke more confrontation”. In addition, he urged that all governments around the world must join in supporting the United Nations and not the bureaucratic mechanism where proposals and initiatives are presented. 

The post Mexico President Wants PM Modi, Pope, UN Chief To Head This Panel: Report first appeared on NewsBamboo.