Mexican Shabbat

By Lilveggiepatch @Lilveggiepatch

Isn’t mixing genres fun?

My friend Sofia had a couple of us ladies over for a Mexican-style shabbos meal.  Shabbos is the day of rest in Jewish culture, and begins every Friday at sundown and lasts until sundown the following night.  Candles are lit and left to burn out on their own, all technology and work of any kind are forsaken until the holy day is over.  I myself do not identify with any religious affiliation, although my father was raised reform Jewish.  I’ve been working at an Orthodox Jewish agency since January, and have learned a lot about Jewish culture!

So, what did “Mexican Shabbat” mean for us?  Homemade tacos!  Sofia received a tortilla press for her birthday, and we were all anxious to see how it worked.  Here is Anna showing us how it’s done:

To go with our tacos, I brought a sweet + savory salad with swiss chard (from the CSA!), oranges, dried figs, toasted sunflower seeds, mint + kombucha-tahini vinaigrette.  

We took our feast up to the roof for a picnic in the grass.  We had a beautiful view of the city as the sun set.

Shrimp + mushroom tacos, with avocado, radishes, and red pepper crema.  Everything was so fresh!

And that tortilla press… B and I will be getting one of those soon!  I foresee many a taco night in our future.

Tell me about your last picnic experience!