Methichi Bhaji | Fenugreek Leaves Vegetable

By Pshinde2109 @pshinde2109

Methichi Bhaji or Methi ki Sabzi is very common in Maharashtra. It is regularly made , like twice a week in different types. Like, I made today dry methi Bhaji with Peanuts powder and sometime I make patal methichi Bhaji (Methi curry with peanuts).

My Grandmother has a lot of Methi / Fenugreek Leaves at her own farm. Whenever we go to her place, she always have these fresh methi leaves and we love to eat methichi patal Bhaji with Bhakri.

Today, I also have lot of methi bunches at my home, because I am planning for more greens to my kids. This vegetable I make often but never realized to post here. Today I have some time to play with camera and I am making this methichi Bhaji with roasted peanuts powder, so enjoy this recipe from my Lazy Kitchen !!!

1 bunch fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves
1/2 cup peanuts (raw variety)
5-6 pods of garlic
2-3 green chilly
1 tsp. cumin seeds/jeera
1 tea oil
salt to taste

1.Roast the peanuts on a pan till they slightly become brown. Take off heat and cool. Remove the skin and make powder in mixer, but it should not be smooth, but little rough powder.

2.Clean the methi leaves with clean water and keep aside.

3.Chop/crush the garlic pods.

4.Heat oil in a pan and put cumin seeds.

5.Add green chilly and garlic and let them splutter for 1 min.

6.Now add the methi leaves, a handful at a time. Saute them till they shrink while being cooked.

7.Add ground peanuts powder and salt to taste. Mix well. Let this cook on low heat for 5 minutes.