Metallic Lace Dress THREE Ways * ONE: to Work (Outfit)

By Themowway @themowway

Dress c/o Boohoo

Meet my new favorite item in my weardrobe: Boohoo Metallic Lace Dress.When I first was contacted by the lovely Boohoo team I thought it had been a mistake.A clothes company I really like was asking me to pick an item of their newest collection and share it on my blog???? Was I dreaming???

I couldn't believe it was true!!!!It might sound silly to many of you, but I was so surprised and proud of my work on the blog!!Back to the dress.Inspired by Elsie from A Beautiful Mess I decided to do a "One dress, three ways" post, showing you how I style the same dress, to achieve a completely different look each time, sharing with you how I maximize my weardrobe without spending loads of cash!
Must improve my photoshop skills, my feet are looking so strange here! ;)This is in mi opinion the perfect outfit to wear to wor: a professional look adding a touch of "casual" with the sheer tights and cute flats.I normaly wear high heels to work, but when I know I am going to have a stressful day, I always choose some trusty flats, to make my races easier!My new glasses c/o SelectSpecs where the perfect item to accessorice the whole look, don't you think? I am so happy to be able to wear my beloved faux fur stole, it just takes the whole outfit to another level, doesn't it?!**Still having problems with the color of the photos... I am no pro in case you had doubts.. :) Gorgeous horse belt, got it on clearance, only 1.99EUR!! I could't believe my eyes! :) What do you think of the back? I am in LOVE with the details!I had a HARD time choosing only one item. There were some lovely coats, shirts and shoes. That weekend is arrived I took some photos, as I wore it out to a party (and got loads of compliments!), but the photos didn't make it justice, so I decided to try again. That sunday I sat looking at the dress and imagined myself wearing it to work, and shopping, and clubbing, and everywhere! That's where the idea of this post came from!
What I wore: Sunnies: Boyfriend's
Glasses c/o* SelectSpecs
Metallic Lace Dress c/o BooHoo
Blazer: H&M
Belt: Blanco (1.99EUR, yeeesss!!)
Faux fur stole: Vintage (seen here)Ring: TheMowWay Shop (coming soon)Jewelry: Vintage, H&M & TheMowWay Shop (coming soon..)
Handbag: Blanco ManTights: CalcedoniaFlats: Coolway

What do you think of the One Dress Three ways idea?Have you ever tried it? I'd love to hear your thought on it!If you liked this outfit, stay around I will be sharing the other two VERY SOON!

**Thanks again Boohoo, you really made my day, week, month!!!!**