Meta Art

By Artborghi @artborghi

Sometimes the container outmatches the content, like at the  National Art Center of Tokyo. Designed by Kisho Kurokawa, it is one of the highest symbols of impermanence (as temporary structure) and honesty of materiality (as natural textures) in Japan.

A squared Japanese flag for the 10th anniversary of the National Art Center of Tokyo

Iron to iron and glass to glass: entrance and escalators of the Art Center.

The lower floor bar with its wooden planks and glass walls

The upper floor restaurant made of naked glass and concrete

Wooden stairs to the exhibition spaces.

Click to zoom in. This photo series is part of the reportage Japan of mine.

Filed under: photography of architecture, Travel photography Tagged: 2 weeks guide through japan, 2 weeks in japan, Artborghi Japan of mine, artborghi japan photoreportage, experience japan, Kisho Kurokawa art, lorenzo borghi japan of mine, metabolism art, photography in japan, photography of the national art center of tokyo