Message to America: DON'T GIVE UP YOUR GUNS!

Posted on the 18 December 2012 by Davidduff

I beg you, America, do not, under any circumstances, fall for the blandishments, the pleadings, the tearful implorings, the constant repetition of SHLOCK-HORROR stories, the stern rebukes from your 'Mr. Pompous President', and allow those lying-liar government reptiles to take away your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.  The Statists want you to be helpless and totally in their thrall.  They know that if they can disarm the American population a huge barrier to their ambitions will be removed.  Of course, it goes without saying that were you to give up the right to bear arms the state will not protect you, anymore than the Norwegian state protected its citizens this year, or Her Majesty's government protected her subjects at Dunblane and Hungerford.  Governments are always and forever useless and untrustworthy.  They will not 'ban guns' they will simply stop you from owning them whilst the evil and the mad will continue to buy and sell them at their leisure.  If you doubt me, move to Chicago!

If some lunatic takes it into his or her head to kill as many people as possible they will find a way even if they cannot lay hands on a gun - a vehicle driven into a crowd will do the job nicely but I doubt that there will then be calls to ban vehicles by 'President Humbug' particularly as he and his government are now the principal shareholders in General Motors!  The best defence against killers attempting mass murder with a fire-arm or anything else is to have plenty of armed people.  One man with a concealed weapon would have saved several of the people killed around that Congresswoman who was shot and wounded recently.  If you want some concrete examples of how mass shootings were thwarted by legally armed citizens then take a look at the GunWatch site.

Above all, America, just remember that if you are armed you have a very slight chance of defending yourself, not just against a malefactor, but against a rabid state determined to control every aspect of your lives!

(This ends my weekly broadcast to the American people who I know really appreciate my advice!)