Merry Christmas and Anniversary Celebrations at Hyatt Regency

By Anshulika

Merry Christmas Glories!

I'm here at Hyatt Regency with my family celebrating 6 th year of love and togetherness with my hubby. While everyone else is enjoying food and making merry, I wanted to take this small out to wish you Merry Christmas, a very happy holiday and tell you how much I love you, whispering a heartfelt 'thank you'!

Thank you my beautiful readers for stopping by my blog, taking the time to read every post and sometimes dropping a word here and there, contributing to the constant success of this blog and our collective journey to perfect beauty, health, and happiness.

I can't believe I have already complete one full year on this journey. Reading this post from last year, made me feel it was as if only yesterday I wished you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Time really flies away very fast. But lovelies, we "miles to go before we reach, miles to go before we reach.."

Sometimes, the whole blogging thing becomes a little lonely. But when I hear from you, receive your valuable comments, it reminds me, I am not all alone on this journey, you are also there, smiling, and reading my posts silently.

Your comments brighten up my world, so please never hesitate to say a word, when you feel like. I love to hear from you, answer your queries, note down your suggestions, and simply converse with you in our virtual world.

You are lovely reader, now a part of my family and so I wanted to share you some special moments I spent with my hubby and family at Hyatt Regency, Ludhiana. Introducing, Vaibhav, my little brat!