Merry Christmas!

By Sherwoods
For Christmas this year, we decided to move to our permanent house.  Much to the children's relief, however, we're celebrating two days late, so they still get to open presents (wrapped in moving paper) and stockings (substituted with plastic bags) and have Christmas dinner (eggs benedict, anyone?).  I think that maybe I might have to disagree a little bit with Dr. Seuss about all of those trimmings and trappings.  Not necessary, of course, but really nice.
Sophia got an early jump on Christmas morning by waking up nice and early to vomit (over and over and over), which helped me to be grateful for children who know what a bowl is - and that we're not celebrating today anyway.
All complaining about temporary irritations aside, we are most grateful for all of the wonderful gifts made possible by the birth of our Lord and Savior - our family, our children, and most of all the good news of redemption for all mankind.
We hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!