#Mermaid As Part of My Belief in Keeping It Real, These Pictures...

By Lauramoodley
Photo Zoom


As part of my belief in keeping it real, these pictures have been Photoshop’d to a minimum. Skin coloration  frown lines etc, have been left natural. I have many “flaws”, like everyone and these natural shots are what all your vogue pix basically look like before processing to give off that fake final image that we all aspire to be like. 

I have many hang-ups about my body and until recent years, would never have considered modelling as I hated looking at photos of myself. However seeing professional images of myself and being so outraged by some of the Photoshop disasters that I have seen, I decided to go for it and just let the world see me. 

That being said, 2 images have been altered ever so slightly, and I mean SLIGHTLY to make my dis formed shoulder a little less noticeable, can you tell which ones? its NOT this one. 

I have done two very revealing shoots this year with minimal digital enhancement and next year I would like to go all the way, showing off my back and my full length spinal scar, but its being brave enough to say NO to the easy “photoshop me” option that is available in seconds, at the click of a mouse. I’m not perfect, but then, thats the point.

xoxo LLM