#Menstrual Cups – A Great Alternative to Tampons? #GirlTalk

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

My friend Aussa of from Hacker. Hooker. Ninja. Spy. share a post on Menstrual Cups called I Don’t Think This Belongs In My Vagina. If you haven’t read it, I highly suggest you do.

I remember talking about Menstrual Cups over a year or so ago with some of my blog readers. Some liked the idea and others had similar thoughts like mine and thought they were REVOLTING. 

Today I shared Aussa’s post to my Tumblr account. Are you following me there?

Apparently, someone took offense to me saying “The thought of a menstrual cup is just revolting imo. :)”  Hey, this is America that I live in and I am FREE to express my own opinions, no?

Let The Proof Tell The Story

No again, THAT is my space on Tumblr. We are all FREE to express our opinions and disagree if we want to. However, this person trying to school me on tags and saying me expressing my opinion is rude, I take offense!


You’re out and about with your husband. You have to pee and go into the HUGE Lowe’s public restroom. “Oh no! I have to change my Menstrual Cup!”

So you pull the damn thing out, dump the goop in the toilet to empty it…..then what?

Some how you need to go out of your bathroom stall, head to the sink, rinse the menstrual cup out, back into your stall, and reinsert it ALL without anyone seeing you come out of the stall with you pants around your ankles and you blood gushing out through your panties!

Seriously? Hell No!

So in my opinion, NO a Menstrual Cup is not a great alternative to Tampons.

How would you have handled a comment like this? I know this person is from India and yes, can have a differing opinion on the subject of Menstrual Cups, but really? Trying to dis me on my own site?

I think not small fry!